Past meetings of the Society
March 2009

March 2009 Meeting

Date: Sunday, March 22
Time: 1 PM
*** Note the Time ***

Place: Boston University, Life Science & Engineering Bldg, 24 Cummington St, 1st Floor Conference Room (Room 103), Boston, MA 02215, (617) 271-6588

Featured Guests: BAS Members

Topic: Announcing the Boston Audio Society White Elephant Sale!

Bring all you want to sell:
Playback - amps, preamps, tuners, tape decks, turntables, CD/DVD/SACD players, speakers, headphones, cartridges, converters

Recording - recorders, mikes, stands, cables, mixers, processors accessories - cables, record cleaners, adapters broadcast - Digital TV converters, HD Radios, FM tuners

Media - cd, dvd, vinyl, tape, laserdiscs, 78's, etc.

Miscellaneous - books, magazines, computers - soundcards, hardware, software, components, accessories

Video - cameras, recorders, monitors, tripods electronics - test equipment, components, tools

Vendor tables are $1.00 each.
Fees will be collected at the door. Setup begins at 1:45 PM
For large items consider bringing in pictures and manuals/specsheets.
Please preregister with Alvin Foster at,
(617) 271-6588

There are no fees.

The BAS Open Forum and business discussion will precede the sale at 1:00pm. The public is welcome. Come see what the BAS is about! Please tell your friends.


The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

problems? email Barry:

updated 4/12/09