Past meetings of the Society
July 2012

July 2012 Meeting

Date: Sunday July 22, 2012  6PM
Brandeis University's Slosberg music Center, Recital Hall, Waltham, MA
Featured Guest:
David Stanwood, Inventor of the Precision TouchDesign™ engineered to enhance piano 'feel'
Workshop on the theory and practice of measuring & creating the touch of pianos


What do Dave Brubeck, Chick Corea, Richard Goode, and Garrick Ohlsson have in common? David Stanwood and the love of a great piano!

Stanwood has created possibly the most significant innovations in high-end performance pianos in well over a century, Precision Touch Design and Stanwood Adjustable Leverage Action. These two inventions liberate the pianist from the vagaries of uncertain response across the keyboard and from pianos that are uncomfortably heavy or light so that the player's essential focus on technique, interpretation, and tone production can proceed without accident or inhibition.

Not unlike the challenge we face with loudspeakers and microphones as related to the dynamics of music, the problem in piano technology is that static measurements do not relate to dynamic linearity - the applied and resultant dynamic forces that effect tonal quality - something you are invited to experience firsthand.

"David Stanwood has worked his magic, by a process which is mysterious to me but concretely explicit in the sound of the instrument." … Russell Sherman

Mr. Stanwood will give a technical presentation and live demonstration of his inventions with a Steinway D Concert Grand at the recital hall in the Slosberg Music Center at Brandeis University. In addition, he will bring a working model of the adjustable action. The recital hall is just inside the building entrance on the left.

Mr. Stanwood is internationally acclaimed for his advances in piano technology, having recently lectured in Amsterdam, venues in Germany and at prestigious piano conservatories in the US. Stanwood received the North Bennet St. School Distinguished Alumni Award in 2007. Precision Touch Design aka "Stanwood Action" and Stanwood Adjustable Leverage Action aka "SALA" are registered trademarks.



The Boston Audio Society
PO BOX 260211
Boston MA 02126

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updated 9/16/12